-Perbadanan Putrajaya.
Malaysia Truly Asia X Cuti-Cuti Malaysia. Inilah Masanya, Cuti-cuti Malaysia. IMT-GT Visit Year 2023-2025. Visit Melaka Year 2024-2026. Visit Perlis Year 2024-2025. Visit Homestay Malaysia 2025. Visit Kedah Year 2025. Visit Selangor Year 2025. Visit Malaysia Year 2026. Visit Johor Year 2026. Visit Negeri Sembilan Year 2026. Compiled and managed by Farsa.
Keretapi Tanah Melayu Berhad (KTMB) semalam memperkenalkan perkhidmatan terbaharu, iaitu Ekspres Koc Basikal (XKB) kepada umum melalui Program Familiarization Trip (FamTrip) Ekspres Koc Basikal (XKB).
Kira-kira 150 orang peserta menyertai program ini yang terdiri daripada pengamal media, wakil Tourism Malaysia, syarikat swasta, wakil kelab berbasikal dan beberapa jemputan yang lain.
Pada program FamTrip ini, para peserta dibawa menaiki tren XKB dari Stesen Kuala Lumpur ke Stesen Tanjung Malim. Setibanya di Stesen Tanjung Malim, sekitar jam 8.30 pagi, aktiviti berbasikal secara santai dilakukan selama dua jam menggunakan laluan Stesen Tanjung Malim – Sungai Bil – Behrang Ulu – Sungai Dara – Sungai Bil - Stesen Tanjung Malim sejauh 49 kilometer.
Ketua Pegawai Korporat KTMB, Suhaimi Yaacob berkata “KTMB memperkenalkan perkhidmatan XKB, iaitu tren sewa khas bukan sahaja kerana aktiviti berbasikal merupakan trend masa kini dan menjadi gaya hidup ramai rakyat Malaysia. Bahkan pengenalan XKB adalah untuk memberi pengalaman baharu dan unik kepada peminat tegar aktviti berbasikal. Dengan menaiki kereta api, mereka boleh meneroka lokasi berbasikal yang menarik di sepanjang rangkaian laluan tren KTMB. Ia juga selamat dan tidak begitu memenatkan kerana mereka tidak perlu memandu jika ke lokasi yang jauh”.
Untuk pertanyaan lanjut dan tempahan, sila hubungi talian 03-2263 1077 atau e-mel kepada chartertrain@ktmb.com.my
-KTM Berhad.
PULAU BESAR: Pulau Besar yang sebelum ini terkenal sebagai kawasan tumpuan ritual pemujaan akan dihidupkan semula sebagai pusat tarikan pelancongan baharu dengan konsep perkhemahan glamor (glamping) menjelang Jun depan.
Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Pelancongan, Warisan dan Kebudayaan Melaka, Datuk Muhammad Jailani Khamis berkata, keputusan itu dicapai dengan persetujuan beberapa agensi lain membabitkan anggaran kos pembaikan sebanyak RM1 juta.
Katanya, kini kerja-kerja pembersihan tapak glamping telahpun dimulakan di kawasan sepanjang 200 meter di pesisir pantai.
“Empat hari lepas, kita telahpun bersetuju untuk membangunkan semula Pulau Besar ini sebagai salah satu eko pelancongan Melaka dengan konsep glamping.
“Pengunjung boleh melakukan aktiviti glamping di sepanjang 200 meter pesisir pantai dan kawasan itu boleh memuatkan sehingga 200 buah khemah,” katanya.
Beliau berkata demikian selepas merasmikan Program Pulau Besar New Year Challenge 2022 di sini hari ini.
Mengulas lanjut mengenai kos pembaikan, beliau berkata, pihaknya akan berjumpa dengan Menteri Pelancongan, Kesenian dan Kebudayaan, Datuk Seri Nancy Shukri dalam masa terdekat bagi membincangkan perkara tersebut.
“Saya akan berjumpa dengan Datuk Seri Nancy pada minggu hadapan, pembangunan kawasan glamping ini mungkin perlukan RM1 juta termasuk membangunkan keperluan asas seperti surau, tandas dan sebagainya.
“Kalau kemudahan itu seperti back to nature, kos RM500,000 sudah mencukupi dan insya-Allah ia dapat direalisasikan pertengahan tahun ini,” katanya.
Tambahnya, dengan pembukaan eko pelancongan baharu itu juga, pihaknya turut menyasarkan peningkatan jumlah pelancong mencecah 5.6 juta tahun ini.
“Menerusi kerjasama Majlis Pulau-pulau Melaka (MPPM) dan Unit Perancang Ekonomi Negeri (UPEN), kawasan pesisiran Pulau Besar ini akan menjadi tapak glamping pertama yang mana saya yakin ia bakal membantu Melaka mencapai sasaran 5.6 juta pelancong tahun ini.
“Mungkin minggu depan saya akan cuba berbincang dengan menteri mengenai bantuan yang diperlukan sebelum dijangka beroperasi pertengahan tahun ini,” katanya.
-utusan online.
ALOR SETAR: Passenger ferry services from Kuala Perlis to Langkawi and vice-versa will be suspended from Feb 10 to 13 due to low tide.
Online travel platform Cuti-Cuti Langkawi Sdn Bhd, in a statement today, said the ferry services for the route would resume by Feb 14.
Meanwhile, Konsortium Ferry Line Ventures human resources and operations manager Baharin Baharom said the decision to suspend the Kuala Perlis-Langkawi route was made due to safety reasons.
"It is not safe for both passengers and ferry crew to operate the route during the low tide period.
"The ferries would be unable to berth or depart from the Kuala Perlis jetty during that period as the sea water level could get as low as under 1.6 metres during low tide," he told The New Straits Times.
The consortium operates up to four ferry trips from Kuala Perlis to Langkawi and vice-versa daily, apart from operating another route from Kuala Kedah to Langkawi and vice-versa.
Baharin gave his assurance that ferry services from Kuala Kedah to Langkawi and vice-versa would be able to accommodate the passengers to and from the tourism island.
"We advise passengers to check on the ferry schedules to plan their travel time," he said.
At the same time, Baharin appealed to the Ministry of Transport to expedite maintenance dredging works at the Kuala Perlis Jetty to resolve ferry service disruptions during low tide.
He said maintenance dredging works to excavate mud from the Kuala Perlis jetty seabed should be carried out every two years but the last project was done several years back.
This led to several incidents of passengers being stranded for hours as the ferry could not berth at the jetty during low tide.
It was learnt that the Malaysia Marine Department had opened a tender for the maintenance dredging works in December. The tender closed on Jan 13.
-nst online.
27 Januari 2022 - Kementerian Pelancongan, Seni dan Budaya (MOTAC) selaku peneraju diplomasi budaya sentiasa mengorak langkah memperkenal serta memartabatkan seni, budaya dan warisan Malaysia di peringkat kebangsaan dan juga antarabangsa.
Salah satu pendekatan untuk mempromosi keunikan kepelbagaian budaya kita ialah melalui pameran busana traditional etnik-etnik utama di Malaysia serta produk-produk kraftangan eksklusif (Malaysian signature craft products) di pejabat-pejabat kedutaan Malaysia serta pertubuhan kebudayaan di luar negara.
Dalam hubungan ini, satu majlis penyerahan busana tradisional Malaysia telah disempurnakan oleh YB Menteri Pelancongan, Seni dan Budaya, Dato' Sri Hajah Nancy Shukri dan YB Menteri Luar Negeri, Dato' Sri Saifuddin Abdullah di Kementerian Pelancongan, Seni dan Budaya pada hari ini.
Sebanyak lima (5) jenis busana kebudayaan tradisional etnik-etnik utama di Malaysia iaitu Melayu, Cina, India, Sabah dan Sarawak berserta aksesori lengkap dan patung akan diserahkan kepada Pusat Kebudayaan ASEAN di Bangkok, Thailand serta 10 Pejabat Kedutaan Malaysia di luar negara yang terpilih seperti Kedutaan / Pesuruhjaya Tinggi Malaysia di Perancis, Republik Jerman, United Kingdom, Emiriah Arab Bersatu, China dan Korea Selatan.
Jalinan kerjasama strategik di antara MOTAC, Persatuan/Badan Bukan Kerajaan dan Kementerian Luar Negeri (KLN) ini akan meningkatkan lagi kefahaman dan peranan duta-duta Malaysia di luar negara dalam mempromosikan seni dan budaya negara serta mengukuhkan kolaborasi budaya dengan pertubuhan-pertubuhan kebudayaan antarabangsa.
Inisiatif ini juga selaras dengan Dasar Kebudayaan Negara (DAKEN) 2021 untuk memperkasakan program dan aktiviti seni, budaya dan warisan di peringkat akar umbi hingga ke persada antarabangsa.
KUALA LUMPUR, 26 January 2022 –
In an effort to reinvigorate the tourism industry, Tourism Malaysia has
collaborated with GoPro to celebrate the beauty of local lifestyle and travel
through the production of ‘Dream Malaysia’ videos.
Aimed at bringing Malaysia’s hidden wonders to life, ‘Dream
Malaysia’ started off as a campaign that wished to invite
Malaysians to dream of their domestic travel pursuits into uncharted
territories, new places that are never seen before or heard of, and to start
creating new memories in the form of uniquely captivating and memorable content
– with GoPro’s cameras.
The campaign first took off in March 2021 with the ‘Dream
Malaysia Challenge’, a video contest for the public to participate from 13th to 28th March
2021 for a chance to win the latest GoPro gadgets as well as attractive
nature-based holiday packages at Taman Negara, Gopeng Glamping Park, and Tadom
Hill. A total of 133 participations were received throughout the challenge.
Today, with the lifting of travel restrictions and successful vaccination
rates, dreamers can now pursue their travel bucket list to reality and ‘Dream
Malaysia’ videos have since become a series of dream destinations around
Minister of Tourism, Arts and Culture Malaysia, YB Dato’ Sri
Hajah Nancy Shukri said, “Dream Malaysia witnesses
the blend of collaborations and embracing of digitalisation to help our tourism
industry bounce back and move forward better. There are many attractions in
Malaysia that has been around for so long but are yet to be discovered, and
there’s no better time than now to explore such new places. Through GoPro, we
want to bring a new perspective and immersive content for adventurers in
“Malaysia is an amazing destination that we want everyone to
enjoy and experience, and there’s no better way to inspire people to visit than
by sharing photos and videos of its stunning destinations and diverse
activities,” said Rick Loughery, Vice President of Global Marketing and
Communications at GoPro. “The partnership with Tourism Malaysia for the Dream
Malaysia campaign provided unprecedented access to local places, villages and
experiences that we were able to capture from the unique perspective and
immersive angles that can only be shot with a GoPro. We are honored to help
bring more attention to the country’s beauty and reinvigorate travel and
tourism to the area.”
Under the stewardship of Tourism Malaysia, GoPro’s team and
content creators have travelled through a multitude of states to explore the
local destinations that are not usually on a traveller’s checklist. By
discovering the nation’s hidden wonders, the creators gained experience which
they wouldn’t have otherwise managed to explore, and with their GoPro cameras,
they created amazing memories and authentic stories to bring the different
states in Malaysia to life.
Baki Zainal, GoPro Global Ambassador, who is also one of the
creators that took part in the exciting journey said, “From being in the
company of sea creatures in the crystal-clear waters of Tioman Island, to the
green and still mostly untouched nature spots in Malaysia, this is definitely
an unforgettable tourism experience. With the help of GoPro cameras that are
known for being the most versatile and high-performance imaging devices in the
market, we hope the content created will inspire more people to venture into
the destinations that are off the beaten track.”
The videos will be shared across the creators’ own social media
platforms as well as GoPro and Tourism Malaysia’s extensive network. To look at
the engaging and immersive content created during the trip, visit Tourism
Malaysia’s Instagram (@malaysia.truly.asia)
and Facebook (@malaysia.travel.my),
and GoPro’s Instagram and Facebook (@gopromysg).
PETALING JAYA: Umat Islam di negara ini dibenarkan kembali mengerjakan umrah mulai 8 Februari ini.
Menteri Pelancongan, Seni dan Budaya Datuk Seri Nancy Shukri berkata, prosedur operasi standard (SOP) baharu bagi semua jemaah bagaimanapun masih belum diputuskan dan akan ditetapkan bersama agensi pengurusan umrah selepas ini.
Katanya, kerajaan dalam masa yang sama juga tidak berhasrat untuk menangguhkan ibadat tersebut disebalik penularan virus jenis Omicron.
“Penangguhan hanya sebulan sahaja dan umat Islam yang mahu mengerjakan umrah boleh berbuat demikian pada 8 Februari ini.
“Namun SOP baru akan dibincang bersama agensi pelancongan umrah kerana kita mahu pastikan apabila balik (dari Tanah Suci) nanti mereka (jemaah) dapat pilih di mana mereka nak dikuarantinkan,” katanya semasa menghadiri majlis pelancaran Video Dream Malaysia melalui kerjasama Tourism Malaysia dan GoPro Malaysia di Hotel EQ, di sini hari ini.
-utusan online.
PLUS Malaysia Berhad (PLUS) menjangkakan peningkatan jumlah trafik daripada 1.4 juta kepada 1.6 juta buah kenderaan sepanjang perayaan Tahun Baru Cina yang bermula 28 Januari 2022 sehingga 6 Februari 2022 ini.
Bagi menguruskan peningkatan trafik yang mendadak ini, PLUS mengeluarkan Jadual Cadangan Waktu Perjalanan (TTA) sebagai rujukan dan panduan buat orang ramai dalam merancang perjalanan mereka. Orang ramai yang akan bergerak meninggalkan Lembah Klang untuk ke destinasi-destinasi di utara seperti Perlis, Kedah, Pulau Pinang dan Utara Perak serta Johor di selatan disarankan supaya mula memasuki lebuhraya sebelum jam 10:00 pagi.
Untuk ke destinasi-destinasi yang lebih hampir dengan Lembah Klang, orang ramai dinasihatkan supaya mula memasuki lebuhraya selepas jam 1:00 tengahari.
Ketua Pegawai Operasi PLUS, Datuk Zakaria Ahmad Zabidi menggalakkan orang ramai supaya dapat merancang perjalanan mereka berpandukan kepada TTA. Ia bagi mengelakkan kemungkinan kesesakan di lebuhraya apabila kenderaan yang menuju ke pelbagai destinasi terkumpul di satu-satu lokasi di lebuhraya secara serentak.
Beliau juga mengingatkan orang ramai supaya sentiasa berwaspada dan mematuhi SOP yang telah ditetapkan ketika berhenti rehat di R&R dan hentian sebelah di sepanjang lebuhraya. Pada ketika ini, pendaftaran menerusi MySejahtera masih lagi dikuatkuasakan dan orang ramai yang telah lengkap divaksin dibenarkan untuk makan di ruang makan di R&R.
Datuk Zakaria juga menasihatkan pengguna lebuhraya supaya memandu dengan lebih berhati-hati dan lebih peka ketika hujan serta mendapatkan rehat yang secukupnya sebelum memulakan pemanduan. Beliau turut menegaskan bahawa perancangan perjalanan yang teliti dan penyelenggaraan kenderaan perlu diberi keutamaan bagi meningkatan keselamatan selain daripada pemakaian tali pinggang keledar keselamatan di tempat duduk hadapan dan belakang serta kerusi keselamatan kanak-kanak. Beliau juga mengingatkan orang ramai supaya sentiasa mematuhi had laju yang ditetapkan ketika memandu di lebuhraya.
Pada masa yang sama, pasukan PLUSRonda sentiasa bersedia untuk memberikan bantuan kepada pengguna lebuhraya dan boleh dihubungi menerusi talian PLUSLine 1800 88 0000 yang beroperasi 24-jam setiap hari.
Bagi memastikan perjalanan yang lebih lancar di lebuhraya, sila pastikan baki kad Touch ‘n Go dan baki eWallet RFID Touch ‘n Go sentiasa mencukupi.
Visual serta maklumat trafik terkini boleh diperolehi menerusi paparan CCTV di dalam aplikasi PLUS. Orang ramai juga boleh mendapatkan maklumat trafik terkini dengan mengikuti Twitter PLUSTrafik dan Chatbot PUTRI serta aplikasi Waze ataupun GoogleMap.
India-based Ebixcash Travel Services’ online travel platform Via.com has expanded into Malaysia through the recent appointment of B2B wholesaler, Universal Holidays Travel and Tourism, as its general sales agent.
Universal will distribute airline inventory on the platform, making it easier for Malaysian travel agents to book directly from Via.com. Transactions will no longer have to go through agents in China and other parts of Asia.
Malaysian travel agents can now book direct on via.com and pay in ringgit
Malaysia based agents can also pay in ringgit, allowing them to avoid international transaction charges.
Universal Holiday’s founder and CEO, Zahira Tahir, said her immediate plans were to create better awareness of Via.com’s B2B online travel booking platform solutions, which offer both low-cost carriers and full-fledged airline inventory, and are on a pay-per-transaction basis, even for non-IATA agents.
Roadshows and product presentations aimed at agents based in Kuala Lumpur, Penang, Johor, Kota Kinabalu and Kuching are scheduled to take place after the Chinese New Year season.
“I am also in the midst of hiring a dedicated sales team,” Zahira added.
Both Ebixcash Travel Services and Universal Holidays Travel and Tourism share a familiar business relationship, as the latter has been the former’s ground-handler for both leisure and business travel for many years, revealed Zahira.
Naveen Kundu, managing director, Ebixcash Travel Services, said: “We identified the potential Malaysia has to offer for online travel bookings and we believe the travel and tourism business is on the verge of coming back. The partnership will add to the organic growth of our travel business and further strengthen our business purpose which is empowering small- and medium-sized travel agents with technology and airline inventory.”
-TTG Asia.
Date: Friday, 28 January 2022 / 25 Jamadilakhir 1443H
Time: 9 am – 12 pm
Venue: Sanggar Pujangga
Hall, Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture (MOTAC), Precinct 5, Putrajaya, Malaysia
Coach Bob Harun
Health & Wellness
Coach/Advisory Panel, Klinik Kesihatan Putrajaya
Dr. Nurzalinda
Health Expert on Maternal and Child Obesity,
Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences, UPM
Registration fee: RM5 – Let’s do some good! Part of the
proceeds will be donated to the National Disaster Relief Fund (TBBN)
Do you want to have
a health and fitness goal to achieve this year but not sure if you can go the
Do you sometimes
feel that you’re not able to meet your health goals due to a lack of motivation
and inspiration and a super busy schedule?
Would you like to
know how it’s possible for you to lead a healthy life while being an amazing
full-time employee?
Would you like to
learn how to reset your mind to support your goals for a healthier, fitter and
more productive you?
If you answered
“Yes” to any of the questions above, then you won’t want to miss the ITC SEED
session that’s kicking off the year. Come join us in Putrajaya, Malaysia for
ITC’s first physical event of the year.
We want to help you
get a great start in life this year because we know that maybe 2021 wasn’t such
a great year. But that doesn’t mean 2022 can’t be a better year.
Here’s a chance to
be inspired to nurture your mind, body and soul and find that motivation to
become a better version of yourself so you’ll be ready to tackle any hard stuff
thrown at you this year.
So, come and join
ITC along with our partner health and wellness coaches in the seventh SEED
session, our very own signature in-house training programme, which we are proud
to bring to you.
Join Coach Bob
Harun and Dr. Nurzalinda Zalbahar as they share great tips about setting up for
success in the new year, especially towards nurturing a healthy mind and body.
They will take you through a combo of healthy eating and fitness programmes
tailored for working professionals just like you!
Our passionate and
empathic coaches will guide you to fit health and wellness into your busy
lifestyle, and how to ease into making movement a natural part of your
daily routine.
Let’s get inspired
and motivated for 2022!
KUALA LUMPUR: Pulau Pangkor's short takeoff and landing port (STOLports) today welcomed the inaugural flight KI6357 by SKS Airways from Sultan Abdul Aziz Shah Airport or Subang Airport.
Flight KI6357 touched down at 2.00 pm, witnessed by the Perak chief minister Datuk Seri Saarani Mohamad witnessed Perak infrastructure, energy, water and public transport committee chairman Datuk Mohd Zolkafly Harun and Malaysia Airports Holdings Bhd (MAHB) chairman Datuk Seri DiRaja Dr Zambry Abd Kadir.
In a statement today, MAHB said the daily flight between Subang Airport and Pulau Pangkor would start from January 26, 2022, onwards, using the DHC6-Twin-Otter aircraft, which can accommodate up to 19 passengers on board.
The commencement of scheduled commercial flight operations at Pulau Pangkor would likely invigorate tourism demand for the island and contribute to the local economy.
Zambry said the airport operator would work closely with tourism bodies to promote local destinations.
"Islands in Malaysia are already renowned for their natural tourist attractions, and the tourism demand for them is strong.
"The start of commercial flight operations will provide the necessary connectivity to attract more international tourists to the island," he said.
Coupled with the island's duty-free status, Zambry said the commercial flight operations would also contribute positively towards the economic revival of the island and its population.
He said the local aviation industry began to show signs of growth after bracing lacklustre two years brought upon by the Covid-19 pandemic.
"The emergence of a new local airline in the country is a sign of this positive development. SKS Airways' decision to start operations is no doubt influenced by the improvement we have seen within the domestic air travel scene."
Last December, he said MAHB's domestic passenger movements reached about 60 per cent of its pre-Covid-19 level.
"Government efforts in ensuring a high Covid-19 vaccination rate within our population will also enable Malaysia to transition into an endemic phase faster, and this would help boost air travel further."
The next STOLport to receive daily scheduled flights by SKS Airways will be the Pulau Redang STOLport, starting from January 31, 2022.
Although Pulau Pangkor and Pulau Redang have not had any commercial flight operations in the last several years, MAHB said it would continuously maintain the STOLports throughout by ensuring the availability of Airport Fire and Rescue Service (AFRS) and Airport Aviation Security (AVSEC) personnel at all times.
-nst online.
KLIA, 24 January 2022: Malaysia Aviation Group (MAG) today reinforces its commitment to safety and hygiene with the launch of its MHFlySafe campaign and logo, following a successful detailed audit by the Bureau Veritas Certification Malaysia on the Group airlines including Malaysia Airlines, Firefly, MASwings and AeroDarat Services, the ground handling expertise within the Group.
The certification validates the Group's health and safety standards with globally recognised best practices and recommendations, and marks a timely occasion, especially as the Group works with stakeholders and partners across the value chain to facilitate a seamless and safe experience for leisure and business travellers with the gradual reopening of borders.
MAG have recently signed an agreement with Bureau Veritas, the world leader in testing, inspection and certification to deploy the “SAFEGUARD” Hygiene Excellence and Safety Label, designed to support the operational restart of tourism and business activities of their airlines and ground handling services.
Group Chief Executive Officer of Malaysia Aviation Group, Captain Izham Ismail said, “We are delighted to have received certification for the “SAFEGUARD” Hygiene Excellence and Safety Label by Bureau Veritas, signifying that our efforts for safer and seamless travel meet international standards that are thoroughly assessed by an independent and globally recognized body. This is a testament of our commitment to putting safety and security at the core of what we do throughout our varying aviation business portfolios.
Our priority remains in ensuring the highest standards of safety and hygiene protocols to our passengers and employees to ensure that they are protected and enjoy a safe and comfortable at every step of the way. As the world is facing up against the fast-spreading Omicron variant we will continuously monitor and adjust our processes and policies according to the latest developments pertaining to health and safety SOPs from various authorities of respective countries that underpins our commitment under MHFlySafe campaign.”
MHFlySafe is an overarching campaign of MAG’s FlyConfidently campaign which was first introduced in July 2020 to raise public awareness of the health and safety measures taken by the Group. The effort was recognised by AirlineRatings, a worldwide airline safety and product rating review website, as Malaysia Airlines received a 7-star rating for its COVID-19 health and safety measures. Up to date, all operating Malaysia Airlines’ pilots and cabin crew are fully vaccinated.
MAG is also a member of Travel Safe Alliance Malaysia (TSAM), representing the aviation industry and recently has joined forces with the Penang State EXCO Office for Tourism and Creative Economy(PETACE) to raise confidence in the travel market in Penang state.
Head on to malaysiaairlines.com or download Malaysia Airlines’ App to get the latest information and make sure you never miss out exciting promotions and exclusives and book your next FlyMalaysia experience and Fly Confidently with Malaysia Airlines today! Customers are encouraged to keep themselves informed of the latest SOPs in place by the authorities to ensure their smooth travel.
-Malaysia Airlines.
Malaysia has relaxed her entry procedures for boosted travellers and will soon do away with temperature checks when entering premises as the country prepares to move into the endemic stage of Covid-19.
From January 24, 2022, the quarantine period for travellers that have received vaccination booster shots will be five days instead of seven. They will need to undergo Covid-19 polymerase-chain reaction (PCR) test two days prior to departure to Malaysia, upon arrival and on the fourth day of quarantine. They can opt for a rapid test kit (RTK) on the fifth day, with supervision by health officers, should they choose to forego the PCR test on the fourth day of quarantine. A negative result on either the final PCR or RTK test will allow the traveller to exit isolation.
Vaccinated travellers who have yet to receive a booster shot will need to serve a seven-day quarantine, while those who are unvaccinated or partially vaccinated will need to serve 10 days.
Arrivals from abroad will be given a digital Home Surveillance Order and will not need to wear the usual surveillance bracelets. However, travellers from high-risk countries will need to have their surveillance bracelets on.
Health minister Khairy Jamaluddin said that the ministry has accepted a proposal to remove temperature checks from the Covid-19 standard operating procedures. He added that soon, individuals will only need to check in via MySejahtera app upon entering public premises. However, they will still be required to show their vaccination certificates before entering shops and restaurants.
-TTG Asia.
KUALA TERENGGANU: Kerajaan negeri merangka 22 acara bagi menarik seramai tiga juta pengunjung ke Terengganu, tahun ini.
Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Pelancongan, Kebudayaan dan Teknologi Digital negeri, Ariffin Deraman berkata, antara acara itu termasuk Karnival Beautiful Terengganu di Tasik Kenyir pada 23 hingga 25 Februari depan.
Katanya, sempena acara terbesar itu, kerajaan negeri juga akan merasmikan jambatan ikonik di Pulau Poh sebagai simbolik pembuka tirai sektor pelancongan Terengganu.
“Perasmian jambatan berkenaan akan diadakan pada sebelah malam dengan pelbagai program menarik kerana kita berharap dapat menghidupkan suasana malam di Tasik Kenyir.
“Saya percaya penganjuran 22 acara ini dapat meningkatkan kemasukan pelancong di samping pendapatan penduduk setempat,” katanya dalam sidang akhbar selepas melancarkan Kalendar Acara 2022 Pelancongan dan Kebudayaan Terengganu di sini, hari ini.
Ariffin berkata, acara baharu yang diperkenalkan seperti Festival Warisan Sungai, Hutan Ration Ultra Run, Festival Udara Antarabangsa dan Cabaran Jetski Tasik Puteri.
-utusan online.
PUTRAJAYA: Sebanyak 111 permohonan bagi Program Malaysia Rumah Keduaku (MM2H) diterima daripada warga asing selepas dibuka sejak November tahun lalu sehingga bulan ini.
Menteri Dalam Negeri, Datuk Seri Hamzah Zainudin berkata, program berkenaan dilancarkan pada Ogos tahun lalu dan ia sekali gus membuktikan mendapat sambutan menggalakkan daripada rakyat negara luar.
“Dalam tempoh dua bulan selepas permohonan dibuka, sebanyak 15 peserta yang terdiri daripada pemegang pas ‘prinsipal’ dan ‘tanggungan’ diluluskan, malah tiga daripada mereka kini sudah pun menetap di Malaysia.
“Bakinya masih dalam proses melengkapkan dokumen serta ada yang sedang dalam penelitian pihak kementerian menerusi Jabatan Imigresen Malaysia (JIM),” katanya dalam sidang akhbar selepas melancarkan Executive Lounge MM2H di Ibu Pejabat JIM, di sini hari ini.
Hamzah berkata, permohonan menyertai program tersebut yang dibuat secara dalam talian dimulakan semula selepas diambil alih daripada Kementerian Pelancongan, Seni dan Budaya.
Beliau menjelaskan, hanya peserta yang memenuhi syarat diterima untuk menyertai MM2H iaitu mesti membawa sekurang-kurangnya RM1 juta setiap seorang berbanding dulu hanya disyaratkan RM300,000 saja.
Secara purata, jika kita luluskan 1,000 permohonan setiap tahun, dengan itu kita membawa masuk RM1 bilion, berbeza jika kita bandingkan dengan dahulu yang mana kita hanya mampu membawa RM300 juta,” ujar beliau.
Mengulas lanjut, Hamzah berkata, kerajaan menyasarkan peserta yang berkualiti, berkemampuan serta berpendapatan tinggi untuk menyertai program berkenaan sekali gus menafikan dakwaan negatif sesetengah pihak terhadap program itu.
“Kita bermula dengan Program Silver Hair pada 1996, dan sehingga sekarang iaitu sudah 25 tahun, hanya 27,285 pemegang pas prinsipal dan 27,725 pemegang pas tanggungan yang aktif.
“Program ini menunjukkan bahawa dalam tempoh 25 tahun ini hanya lebih kurang 1,000 pemegang pas yang aktif setahun, jadi tidak perlu diperbesarkan seolah-olah ia membawa banyak kerugian kepada negara dan sebagainya,” jelas beliau.
Tambah beliau, program berkenaan juga akan ditambah baik secara berperingkat dengan kerjasama Kementerian Pelancongan, Seni dan Budaya, Bank Negara dan ejen-ejen pengendali MM2H sebelum ini bagi memastikan ia lebih berjaya di masa hadapan.
-utusan online.
KLIA, 21 January 2022: Malaysia Aviation Group (MAG) is delighted to announce a new and exciting collaboration with Malaysian homegrown brand, THESELINA, with the unveiling of five bespoke sustainable handbag collections. The collaboration which combines luxury and sustainability underpins MAG’s commitment for a net-zero carbon emission future through upcycling efforts.
These luxury handbags are lovingly crafted and conceptualised with respect and care for the environment by the THESELINA team comprising professional seamsters and seamstresses. Every material used is handpicked and repurposed from Malaysia Airlines’ aircraft leather seats; belts and buckles; tablecloths; life vests; the iconic cabin crew kebaya uniforms; handbags; and more.
The design and craftsmanship not only make wearable art that is irresistible, but is also functional, stylish, and entirely versatile to be used on a day-to-day basis. These luxury handbags’ finishing exudes elegance and class, embodying Malaysia Airlines’ exceptional service and hospitality when flying our passengers over the years. The use of high-quality materials such as leather ensures that the bespoke, limited-edition pouch is made to last and easy to maintain. These bags are uniquely named after IATA codes to destinations within Malaysia Airlines’ network: Buckle Bag; the Sierra Yankee Delta (SYD) Personalised Canvas Bag; the November Romeo Tango (NRT) Messenger Bag; the Mike Yankee Yankee (MYY) Penan Bag; as well as the Mike Echo Lima (MEL) Backpack.
Five eminent personalities cum sustainable advocates in Malaysia who were among the first to purchase the bags includes Ms. Monica Lai the Director of The RuMa Hotel Sdn Bhd; Datin Shen-Tel Lee, Founder of Kuching Food Aid and Co-founder of Bowerhaus and Sereni & Shentel; Dato' Azmir Merican, Group Managing Director of Sime Darby Property Berhad; Datuk Razlan Razali, Team Principal of RNF MotoGP Racing Team and Mr Yong Yoon Li, the Managing Director of Royal Selangor International.
The bags were sold from RM882 to RM2,100; with the SYD bag priced at RM882, RM1,421 for MYY and RM2,100 for the remaining three bags. These limited-edition bespoke bags will also be made available via our online marketplace, Journify at myjournify.com.
Acting Chief Sustainability Officer of MAG and CEO of Firefly, Philip See, said, “Sustainability is one of the key drivers in MAG’s Long-Term Business Plan 2.0 of becoming Asia’s Leading Travel and Aviation Services Group. As the parent company of the national carrier Malaysia Airlines, MAG continues to forge ways to promote socio-economic development and achieving our commitment of recording net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. This includes minimising our environmental impacts; positively enhancing the communities we operate in; ensuring safety excellence; driving profitability for the benefit of our stakeholders, employees; and ensuring compliance within the organisation. We at MAG believe that our customers should be able to enjoy the finer things in life while remaining conscious of our role in caring for the planet. We are proud to show the fruits of what our collaboration with high-end designer Selina Yeop Jr of THESELINA has brought, through the repurposing of aircraft materials into bespoke designer bags, allowing us to reduce wastage whilst alleviating our flag-bearing brand to the world.”
The Group has taken viable steps to reduce our carbon footprint within its business operations, guided by the MAG Sustainability Blueprint launched in 2021. This includes bio-composting food waste from flights, enhancing fuel efficiency measures, repurposing scrapped aircraft parts into new products and most recently, being the first Malaysian-registered commercial aircraft using Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF).
Visit Journify at myjournify.com or download the Journify app to get the latest information and purchase from over 1,000 premium products available on Flagship Store, featuring products on MHartisans, MH-branded merchandises with AirDry as well as ‘Airline Exclusive’ products like our Signature Satay and inflight Cool Treats ice cream and other exciting deals!
-Malaysia Airlines.
Mitsui Fudosan Co Ltd, a Tokyo-based real estate company, has officially opened the Mitsui Shopping Park LaLaport Bukit Bintang City Centre, or LaLaport BBCC for short, to the public.
Spanning over 78,500sqm, it is Mitsui Fudosan's first LaLaport mall in Southeast Asia. It is the core of the RM8.7 billion Bukit Bintang City Centre (BBCC), a 7.9-hectare mixed-use urban development project currently under construction on the former Pudu jail site.
BBCC is being developed by BBCC Development Sdn Bhd, a consortium comprising UDA Holdings Bhd, Eco World Development Group Bhd, and the Employee Provident Fund (EPF), and will include residences, serviced apartments, office buildings, and hotels.
The BBCC project, when completed, will be the only landmark that proposes a new Japanese-based lifestyle, allowing the local community to "live, work, play, and gather" in a more convenient manner.
The RM1.6 billion retail mall was developed by Mitsui Fudosan's 50 per cent-owned Malaysian subsidiary MFBBCC Retail Mall Sdn Bhd. The consortium partners own the remaining 50 per cent.
As LaLaport BBCC opens to the public, works will continue on new projects such as the serviced apartments, a parcel developed by the company that is expected to commercialise starting 2024.
Mitsui Fudosan said in a statement that with its vast experience in mixed-use complex development in urban areas, it would provide a variety of convenient services for office workers and residents in the adjacent blocks.
Furthermore, it will proceed with the development of the BBCC area in a step-by-step manner, collaborating closely with adjacent facilities and partners such as BBCC Development.
According to the company, it will contribute to the revitalisation of the surrounding area as well as the value enhancement of the entire BBCC project.
LaLaport BBCC is one of the largest LaLaport malls in the world, and the second of its kind outside of Japan, following the April 2021 opening of Mitsui Shopping Park LaLaport Shanghai Jinqia.
In Japan alone, there are 16 LaLaport shopping malls.
LaLaport BBCC has a total floor area of 133,000 square metres and approximately 2,400 parking spaces.
There will be about 400 stores to be opened in stages, starting from this month, including popular brands from Japan, such as Nitori, Nojima, JONETZ by Don Don DOnki, and Coo&RIKU, Japan's largest pet shop with a cat café.
Other tenants include Nitinagin&Co, Malaysia's first indoor Thai floating market offering Thai street food and products, BookXcess, ROLLERWA+, a Korean indoor roller skating rink, Golden Screen Cinemas, and MR DIY.
The Garden Dining Food Court, Gourmet Street, and Depachika Marche are among the three food courts at the mall.
It also includes a 1,700-square-meter 'Central Rooftop Garden,' which includes a roofed step stage surrounded by greenery.
In addition, "Zepp Kuala Lumpur", one of Japan's leading concert halls, will open in the "entertainment hub" area of the block adjacent to LaLaport BBCC. The mall plans to have regular music events and campaigns in this facility in collaboration with Zepp, which operates 10 other facilities in Japan and Taiwan.
This will be the first-ever Zepp hall in Malaysia. There are also plans to collaborate with other adjacent partners, such as the "Malaysian Grand Bazaar", which focuses on local specialties, as well as Golden Screen Cinema.
The mall is currently 70 per cent occupied, according to MFBBCC managing director Kohei Kawashima.
-nst online.
PUTRAJAYA, 21 January 2022 – Malaysia’s delegation to the ASEAN Tourism Forum (ATF) this year comes with a mission to promote Malaysia as a safe travel destination following ASEAN’s unanimous support and commitment to revitalise tourism and to reopen its doors to international tourists.
Leading the Malaysian delegation to this Southeast Asia’s largest tourism trade event is Datuk Wira Dr. Noor Zari Hamat, Secretary-General of the Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture, and attended by Datuk Musa Yusof, Deputy Director-General (Promotion) of Tourism Malaysia.
Hosted in the coastal city of Sihanoukville in Cambodia, the 40th edition of ATF 2022 from 16th to 22nd January 2022 convenes on the theme of “ASEAN – A Community of Peace and Share Future”. Joining the Malaysian delegation are representatives from Sabah Tourism Board, Malaysia Convention & Exhibition Bureau (MyCEB), Malaysia Healthcare Travel Council (MHTC) and Islamic Tourism Centre (ITC).
Besides national tourism organisations (NTOs) Media Briefing, the ATF 2022 portfolio comprises The Travel Exchange (TRAVEX), the forum’s travel trade fair, which serves as a platform for suppliers of ASEAN tourism products and services and qualified buyers from around the world to meet through pre-scheduled appointments. Taking place along this forum are several meetings, including the Meeting of ASEAN NTOs and the 25th ASEAN Tourism Ministers Meeting.
Officially opened by Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen, ATF 2022 welcomes 350 participants from more than 27 countries and regions. More than 200 travel buyers and sellers, as well as 50 local and international media, attended this forum.
Datuk Musa Yusof said: “In conjunction with ATF 2022, we have also hosted a special networking luncheon with travel agents and meet industry players in Phnom Penh to update our partners on the latest Malaysia’s tourism products and development.”
ASEAN market is the top contributor in terms of tourist arrivals to Malaysia. The Cambodian arrivals in Malaysia recorded a positive 7.8% growth of 90,113 in 2018 to 97,097 in 2019.
-Tourism Malaysia.
PUTRAJAYA, 19 January 2022 – Tourism Malaysia unfolds its promotional calendar in Europe by participating at the International Tourism Trade Fair (FITUR 2022) at IFEMA MADRID, Spain, with the target to woo back international tourists, especially from the long-haul markets.
The 42nd edition of FITUR 2022 marks the 20-year milestone of Malaysia’s participation in this important trade fair for inbound and outbound markets in the Iberian Peninsula and the gateway to Latin America. Leading the Malaysian delegation at FITUR 2022 is Mr Noor Azlan Abu Bakar, Senior Deputy Director of International Promotions Division (America, Europe & Oceania), Tourism Malaysia.
Highlights of the promotion in this five-day fair from 19 to 23 January 2022 are the Langkawi International Tourism Bubble as well as sustainable tourism destinations to continue promoting public awareness and encourage trade visitors to discover more about Malaysia. Joining Tourism Malaysia at the Malaysian Pavilion is Tourism Selangor and three tour operators from the Asian Trails, Exo Travel and Vive Malasia.
The previous special edition of FITUR 2021, which focused on tourism recovery, was the first fair held in Europe since the pandemic and attended by over 62,000 visitors with the participation of 5,000 companies from 55 countries around the world.
Dato’ Zainuddin Abdul Wahab, the Director-General of Tourism Malaysia, said: “We are excited to participate in FITUR 2022 at Madrid, which is also home to the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO). FITUR continues to be an important platform for us to network with the travel trade, airlines, and media.”
The Spanish arrivals in Malaysia recorded a positive 3.2% growth of 42,267 in 2018 to 43,616 in 2019 with RM182 million in tourism receipts.
-Tourism Malaysia.
PUTRAJAYA: Proses penilaian risiko dan prosedur operasi standard (SOP) perjalanan umrah dimuktamadkan menjelang pertengahan Februari ini.
Menurut kenyataan bersama Menteri Pelancongan, Seni dan Budaya, Datuk Seri Nancy Shukri dan Menteri Kesihatan, Khairy Jamaluddin, kedua-dua kementerian komited memuktamadkan perkara tersebut khusus bagi garis masa pembukaan semula perjalanan umrah.
Ia susulan sesi libat urus dua kementerian itu yang berlangsung hari ini bersama Persatuan Agensi Pelancongan (umrah) bagi mendapatkan maklum balas hala tuju industri umrah berhubung keputusan penangguhan sementara yang sedang berkuat kuasa.
“Kedua-dua menteri dalam maklum balas mereka menyatakan komitmen untuk memperincikan dan memperhalusi setiap isu serta cadangan yang dikemukakan di peringkat kementerian masing-masing sebelum membentangkan cadangan penambahbaikan kepada Mesyuarat Kuartet Menteri Covid-19 akan datang.
“Kerajaan amat prihatin dengan pelbagai cabaran yang dihadapi pemain industri pelancongan negara. Sehubungan itu, kedua-dua kementerian berharap semua pemain industri dapat memberikan kerjasama sepenuhnya bagi memastikan aktiviti umrah dapat terus dilaksanakan dengan selamat,” demikian kenyataan tersebut di sini hari ini.
Dalam pada itu, sesi libat urus itu dikendalikan kedua-dua menteri berkenaan dan turut dihadiri pengurusan tertinggi kedua-dua kementerian, wakil-wakil agensi Persekutuan seperti Agensi Pengurusan Bencana Negara (Nadma) dan Jabatan Imigresen.
“Antara perkara yang dibangkitkan pemain industri pelancongan umrah pada sesi perbincangan libat urus adalah SOP berkaitan pelaksanaan perjalanan umrah, isu bayaran balik dan penjadualan semula penerbangan, perlindungan insurans, garis masa pembukaan semula perjalanan umrah dan bantuan pemulihan kepada industri pelancongan,” jelasnya.
Sementara itu, libat urus itu juga turut disertai ahli-ahli daripada Persatuan Syarikat Pengendalian Pelancongan Bumiputera Malaysia (Bumitra), Persatuan Agensi Pelancongan Umrah dan Haji (PAPUH) dan The Malaysian Association of Tour & Travel Agents (MATTA).
-utusan online.
20 January 2022 - ASEAN Tourism Forum (ATF) 2022, in Preah Sihanoukville, Cambodia, from 16th - 22nd January 2022 under the theme "ASEAN - A Community of Peace and Shared Future" recognised fourteen tourism businesses and stakeholders in the region and were awarded ASEAN Tourism Standard Awards. The official announcement and awards ceremony held yesterday, 19 January 2022 was attended by Datuk Wira Dr. Noor Zari Hamat, Secretary General, Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture Malaysia.
ASEAN member countries are pleased to present four categories of ASEAN Tourism Standard Awards, including the 8th ASEAN Green Hotel Award, 3rd ASEAN Clean Tourist City Award, 3rd ASEAN MICE Venue Award (Meeting Room), and 3rd ASEAN Sustainable Tourism Award, at the ASEAN Tourism Forum 2022 to recognise and honour outstanding ASEAN tourism businesses and destinations that comply with the above ASEAN Tourism Standards.
In accordance with the ASEAN Strategic Tourism Plan 2016-2025, the ASEAN Tourism Standard is also a standard for all ASEAN member countries, and regional tourism industry players to use as a guide in providing high-quality and excellent service delivery to tourists which aims to make ASEAN an excellent destination on a global scale.
The ten ASEAN member countries, namely Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Viet Nam, have deemed tourism service standardisation essential for improving the quality of tourism products and services and promoting responsible management among tourism businesses and stakeholders in the region.
ASEAN has created eight tourism standards under the auspices of ASEAN National Tourism Organizations which are:
1. ASEAN Green Hotel Standard
2. ASEAN Spa Services Standard
3. ASEAN Clean Tourist City Standard
4. ASEAN Community Based Tourism Standard
5. ASEAN Homestay Standard
6. ASEAN Public Toilet Standard
7. ASEAN MICE Venue Standard
8. ASEAN Sustainable Tourism Standard
The awardees of the ASEAN Tourism Awards 2022 are as follows:
1. Mandarin Oriental (Kuala Lumpur)
2. The Datai Langkawi (Kedah)
3. Shangri-La Rasa Sayang Resort & Spa (Pulau Pinang)
4. Golden Sand Resort by Shangri-La (Pulau Pinang)
5. Majlis Bandaraya Pulau Pinang (Pulau Pinang)
6. Majlis Perbandaran Muar (Johor)
7. Majlis Pembandaran Langkawi Bandaraya Pelancongan (Kedah)
8. Four Points by Sheraton Puchong (Selangor)
9. Lexis Hibiscus Port Dickson (Negeri Sembilan)
10. Le Meridien Hotel Putrajaya (Putrajaya)
11. Doubletree by Hilton Melaka (Melaka)
12. Shangri-la Rasa Sayang Resort & Spa (Pulau Pinang)
13. Urban Category - The Habitat Penang Hill (Pulau Pinang)
14. Rural Category - Walai Penyu Conservation Park, Libaran (Sabah)
KLIA, 19 January 2022: Sarawak is set to become a destination of choice for both domestic and international travellers, as Sarawak Tourism Board (STB) and Malaysia Aviation Group (MAG) embark on a year-long partnership to promote Sarawak as a tourist destination in 2022.
The collaboration was formalised today via the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) by Puan Sharzede Datu Haji Salleh Askor, Chief Executive Officer of Sarawak Tourism Board and Ms Lau Yin May, Group Chief Marketing and Customer Experience Officer of Malaysia Airlines Berhad.
The signing ceremony was witnessed by YB Dato Sri Haji Abdul Karim Rahman Hamzah, Minister of Tourism, Creative Industry & Performing Arts Sarawak and Minister of Youth, Sport & Entrepreneur Development Sarawak, YB Dennis Ngau, Chairman of Sarawak Tourism Board and Captain Izham Ismail, Group Chief Executive Officer, Malaysia Aviation Group.
As part of the MoU, STB and MAG will work hand-in-hand to market and promote events between STB, Malaysia Airlines Berhad, Firefly, MASwings and MHholidays. Both organisations will also work together on inter-organisational partnerships for Sarawak tourism activities, Corporate Social Responsibility activities, and other collaborative opportunities.
Speaking at the event, YB Dato Sri Haji Abdul Karim Rahman Hamzah, Minister of Tourism, Creative Industry & Performing Arts Sarawak and Minister of Youth, Sport & Entrepreneur Development Sarawak said, “Connectivity and accessibility are important elements to enhance travel experience and position Sarawak as a leading destination for eco-tourism in the ASEAN Region.”
“In addition, Sarawak State Disaster Management Committee has just announced recently that Sarawak have approved more domestic flight frequencies into Sarawak from 307 flights to 562 flights per week with effect from 14th Jan 2022. We look forward to seeing more direct routes from West Malaysia and to more parts of Sarawak soon,” he added.
Puan Sharzede Datu Haji Salleh Askor, Chief Executive Officer of Sarawak Tourism Board said “As a sign of our commitment to revitalise and re-energize Sarawak’s local tourism industry, we are pleased to be signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Malaysia Aviation Group this morning. Malaysia Airlines will not only be Sia Sitok Sarawak Plus’ official airline, but also having MAB, Firefly, MASwings and MHholidays on board as our strategic partners on future marketing campaigns in promoting Sarawak’s tourism activities and cultural events.”
“Most importantly, through this collaboration between STB and MAG, there will be an increase of connectivity into Sarawak, with more direct flights from Penang, Johor and Kuala Lumpur to look forward to,” she added.
Group Chief Executive Officer of Malaysia Aviation Group, Captain Izham Ismail said, “Over the past year, Malaysia Airlines, Firefly and MASwings have worked on improving connectivity to and within Sarawak, with the commencement of direct flights from Penang to Kuching, and increased frequencies between Miri-Sibu-Bintulu that will provide greater mobility to the state and further reinvigorate domestic tourism in Sarawak. We look forward to welcoming our customers to fly “Sia Sitok” with us and experience our enhanced products and services with a range of flexibility and choices, seamless connectivity and contactless end-to-end journey while keeping to our utmost priority and commitment to safety. Together, the three airlines under MAG offer strong value propositions to the state of Sarawak – with better services, convenience and reliability.”
In conjunction with the event, STB also launched its Sia Sitok Sarawak Plus interstate travel campaign, to give travellers the opportunity to visit Sarawak through its main tourism gateways, namely Kuching, Sibu and Miri, with Malaysia Airlines as the official airline.
Customers can enjoy attractive hotel and flight packages via MHholidays, the airline’s tour operating arm and choose from the list of participating hotels, including New World Suites in Bintulu, The Waterfront Hotel in Kuching, Grand Palace Hotel in Miri, RH Hotel in Sibu, for their well-deserved staycation.
MHholidays packages come with a baggage allowance of 40kg, complimentary onboard meals, and free seat selection and earn Enrich points. This promotion is bookable at www.holidays.malaysiaairlines.com. To top it off, customers can book exclusive tour package on Journify from as low as RM95.
Through the Sia Sitok Sarawak Plus interstate travel campaign, travellers will have access to 57 exhilarating packages to Sarawak.
The booking period for the Sia Sitok Sarawak Plus interstate travel campaign starts from 19 January 2022 until 28 February 2022, with the travelling period from 19 January until 30 April 2022.
“Sarawak is blessed with exciting wonders from culture, adventure, nature, food and festivals (or CANFF) which are unique to our state. We hope to attract local travellers to experience the hospitality of Sarawak through the Sia Sitok Sarawak Plus campaign and become our ambassadors to then share their experience with friends and family,” Puan Sharzede concluded.
Visit malaysiaairlines.com or download Malaysia Airlines’ App to get the latest information and make sure you never miss out exciting Sia Sitok Sarawak Plus promotions and exclusives today!
-Malaysia Airlines.